AEM Setup Guide

Prerequisite for creating AEM Project using Maven.

To run AEM and to develop a project in AEM you need below softwares installed in your PC.

  1. Java (JDK 8 or more)
  2. Maven
  3. Eclipse/IntelliJ (I personally prefer IntelliJ Idea Community Edition as it is very convenient for debug with AEM)
  4. Notepad++/Brackets


Download and Install java from below link:

After installing java, create environment variable JAVA_HOME which points to jdk installation.

JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102
path = %JAVA_HOME%/bin;


You can use Maven to build an OSGi bundle that contains a Sling Servlet. Maven manages required JAR files that a Java project needs in its class path. Instead of searching the Internet trying to find and download third-party JAR files to include in your project’s class path, Maven manages these dependencies for you.

You can download Maven 3 from the following URL:

Note: It is recommended that you use Maven 3.0.3 or greater.

After you download and extract Maven, create an environment variable named M2_HOME. Assign the Maven install location to this environment variable. For example: C:\Programs\Apache\apache-maven-3.0.4

M2_HOME = C:\apache-maven-3.6.0-bin\apache-maven-3.6.0
path = %M2_HOME%/bin;

Check your installation by using below command.

mvn -version

you should see maven version and installation directory.


Steps to run AEM for the first time:

  • In your file directory create folder named aem.
  • Under aem directory create another folder named author.
  • Get aem jar and rename it to aem-author-P4502.jar which indicates to run as author instance on port number 4502 (aem-publish-P4503 for publish instance to run on port 4503) Note: default instance will be author and port will be 4502 if you don’t rename.
  • Copy license file and paste it in folder with AEM jar.

You can install aem in three ways
To start up the instance in a GUI environment, just double-click the aem-author-p5402.jar

Alternative, you can launch AEM from the command line. For a 32-bit Java VM enter the following:

 java -Xmx1024M -jar cq-quickstart-6.3.0.jar 

For a 64-bit VM, enter:

 java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1024M -jar cq-quickstart-6.3.0.jar 

AEM will take a few minutes to unpack the jar file, install itself, and start up. The above procedure results in: an AEM author instance running on localhost on port 4502.
To access the instance point your browser to: http://localhost:4502

login with default credentials username: admin, password: admin
You will be taken to AEM Start Screen.

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